Thursday, June 29, 2006

Will Brad and Angelina, ever stop trying to lecture?

I'm starting to get really sick of this pair. I do not understand why they feel that they have the right to preach constantly to us mere mortals. Yet again the subject is children, their views on which make me feel quite uncomfortable. It seems they now wish to adopt an older child in order to try and promote the adoption of older children and not just babies. Why are they constantly using children to make a statement, and why is it ok for them to pick up children from around the world like the pied piper picked up rats? Ordinary people have to go through amazing checks before they are able to adopt but if you are famous you can get literally whatever you want and use children to make some publicity statement, and we are supposed to think that they are such fantastic people for taking on these children, and for having their biologically daughter in a third world country in order to promote it. Maybe they could do with actually putting their hand in their own pocket and donate some money rather than lecturing the rest of us just trying to survive. After all one of their beach front properties would fetch millions, how many people would that feed....


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