Sunday, April 09, 2006

Whitney gets worse

Whitney Houston's sister-in-law Tina Brown has released pictures of the disgusting hole that Whitney and husband Bobby Brown are living in. This high priced squalor includes crack pipes and rubbish in their bathroom, on the floor and in the sinks, with food and beer bottles littering the place. What on earth has happened to these two? Whitney was an awesome artist in the 80's and 90's and has a spectacular voice, but it seems that her life has become so mis-guided since she married Bobby, her besottedness has blinded her to exactly what is going on in their lives. I cannot believe that the American authorities haven't stepped in on behalf of their daughter Bobbi, it just seems so wrong that they can continue behaving like maniacs with a child! Hopefully Tina's photos will shock them into sorting out their lives, but unfortunately I very much doubt it.


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