The Spice girls reunite - NOOOOOO!!
I didn't like the spice girls then, I don't like the spice girls now, individually they are bearable, together they are the subject of nightmares (and how weird do they look together now?) I'll never sleep again!
Hey! Interested in celebrity info, love to gossip about that famous person who drives you nuts? Whether you love 'em or hate 'em they're here to stay, well at least they hope it will stay that way! All comments made on this blog are purely opinionated and do not contain any information that can be construed as fact and are not authorised by any persons mentioned.
I didn't like the spice girls then, I don't like the spice girls now, individually they are bearable, together they are the subject of nightmares (and how weird do they look together now?) I'll never sleep again!
What a total arse Eddie Murphy is, as we all suspected he is in fact the father of Mel B's baby Angel Iris, take him for all he's got Mel and more!
Congratulations to Julia Roberts and her cameraman husband Danny Moder on the birth of their 3rd child Henry Daniel baby brother to 2 year old twins Hazel and Phinn, born last Monday weighing 8 1/2lb.
After 6 years Rod Stewart has finally made an honest woman out of Penny Lancaster by marrying her at the weekend in Italy. The pair have baby Alastair together and Rod has 5 other kids, yet there were only 2 witnesses? Maybe the other kids are just bored attending their father's weddings. Well congrats, maybe it will be 3rd time lucky this time for Rod, to be honest I think they have a fighting chance...
It has emerged that Melanie Brown - aka Scary Spice - has not - as previously claimed - named Eddie Murphy as the father of her baby Angel on her birth certificate although she has given Angel the name Murphy as one of her middle names - Iris being the other. With the paternity case going on this does look a little odd, but to be honest I still believe her...
Well a little of my faith in all that is good and true is restored - Paris Hilton has been returned to jail, and what makes it even better is she now has to serve her original 45 day sentence rather than the reduced 23. Although it wasn't nice that it has been reported that Paris was screaming "mom" as she was dragged from the courtroom, but still my dear you do the crime...
I've always like Cuba Gooding Jr since the days of "show me the money" in Jerry Maguire, and I even forgave him for that terrible film he made with Robin Williams about the dead family! And now I am so glad that my admiration has paid off, as he has been hailed a hero!
Well what a surprise Paris Hilton has been released from prison after serving 4 days of a 23 day sentence due to ill health because she cried down the phone to her friends. Now she has to serve the full 45 day sentence at home in the luxury of her LA home with an electronic tag. What an absolute joke, it is hardly a punishment if you simply have to spend a month in your own home. This yet again makes a total mockery of the legal system and makes me totally infuriated, yet again a famous person who lives a privileged life escapes punishment for a crime she did commit. Somehow I don't think anyone will be placing bets on whether Nicole Ritchie will go down!
It seems that Paris Hilton is being praised by prison staff in the US and being called a model prisoner after she entered her incarcination on Sunday evening. I suppose we should be grateful that she has finally accepted her punishment and is behaving well, if only she had behaved as well in her ordinary life....